

Best Ways To Make Gold In Guild Wars 2

A lot has changed in the Guild Wars 2 economy since Dungeons were nerfed and crafting materials were re-balanced. The good news is that there are still a number of effective ways to earn gold, without having to farm for hours at a time (unless you want to). The following is a guide detailing some of the best ways to make gold in Guild Wars 2.


“The Golden Chicken” Achievement Guide

“The Golden Chicken” is a Heart of Thorns achievement that is obtained in the Auric Basin map. As the title suggests, players must locate the Golden Chicken in the ancient city of Tarir to complete the achievement. To complete this achievement you must have the basic gliding and bouncing mushroom abilities unlocked. This guide will provide a step by step walkthrough for finding the Golden Chicken.


Auric Basin: Hidden Amphibian Achievement Guide

“Hidden Amphibian” is a Heart of Thorns achievement located in Auric Basin. To complete this achievement players must locate and defeat a certain reclusive Itzel that’s hidden himself away. Upon completion you will be rewarded with 5 achievement points. The path outlined in this guide requires that players posses updraft gliding and bouncing mushroom abilities.