“Sum Viewer” Achievement Guide

“Sum Viewer” is a Heart of Thorns achievement that is obtained in the Dragon’s Stand map. It requires players to catch a glimpse of Rata Sum by reaching a specific vantage point. This guide will show you the exact location to reach in order to unlock the Sum Viewer achievement.

Sum Viewer Achievement

Sum Viewer Achievement

Rata Sum must be seen from a specific vantage point in order for the achievement to unlock. There are actually several different locations in Dragon’s Stand where you can view Rata Sum, but they do not trigger the achievement (most of the time).

The closest waypoint to the correct vantage point is the Southern Forward Camp Waypoint which is located near the Eastern region of Dragon’s Stand (the side closest to Rata Sum). Starting from this waypoint, head North until you reach a nearby bouncing mushroom at the base of a stone wall.

Use the bouncing mushroom to reach the top of the wall and then walk forward until you see Rata Sum in the distance. You should receive the achievement as soon as you cross the threshold into the small opening.

Sum Viewer Vantage Point

Sum Viewer Completed

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