December 2015


GW2 In-Game Gift Ideas

Whether it’s Wintersday or any other festive occasion, many Guild Wars 2 players celebrate by giving and receiving in-game gifts. Even though it’s quick and easy to send someone gold in the mail, we think it’s more fun to pick out specific items as gifts. We’ve put together a list of gift ideas to get you started this holiday season. Here is our list of Guild Wars 2 gift ideas that can be purchased with in-game gold and sent to…


2015 Wintersday Event Guide

Wintersday has returned to Tyria for 2015, bringing new gifts and skins. Select areas of Divinity’s Reach and Heart of The Mists have been redecorated with Wintersday flair. Wintersday begins on December 15th and ends on January 12th 2016. This Wintersday Guide will show you all the things to do this year.


Looking For Group Tool 2.0 – Suggested Improvements

Since the release of Heart of Thorns and Raids, the “Looking For Group” (LFG) Tool in Guild Wars 2 has become ineffective. Don’t get me wrong, it still functions and you can still find groups, but but the LFG tool has devolved into an unorganized mess that makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for. Although there are several issues that have led to this current state, I believe that a few small improvements can make the LFG tool…