

“The Golden Chicken” Achievement Guide

“The Golden Chicken” is a Heart of Thorns achievement that is obtained in the Auric Basin map. As the title suggests, players must locate the Golden Chicken in the ancient city of Tarir to complete the achievement. To complete this achievement you must have the basic gliding and bouncing mushroom abilities unlocked. This guide will provide a step by step walkthrough for finding the Golden Chicken.


Auric Basin: Hidden Amphibian Achievement Guide

“Hidden Amphibian” is a Heart of Thorns achievement located in Auric Basin. To complete this achievement players must locate and defeat a certain reclusive Itzel that’s hidden himself away. Upon completion you will be rewarded with 5 achievement points. The path outlined in this guide requires that players posses updraft gliding and bouncing mushroom abilities.


Verdant Brink Dive Master Guide

“Dive Master: Verdant Brink” is a Heart of Thorns achievement that requires players to equip diving goggles and successfully leap all the way from the upper canopy layer to a small pool of water below. This guide will show you where to find the diving goggles and explain how to successfully complete the Verdant Brink Dive Master achievement.


Tangled Depths Hidden Achievements Guide

There are several hidden achievements on the Tangled Depths map in Heart of Thorns. These achievements are not found in the achievements list and will not show up until you have completed them. There are undoubtedly more hidden achievements than those outlined in this guide, but these are the achievements that are currently known. Our Tangled Depths hidden achievements guide will show you exactly where and how to obtain these hidden achievements.


Jungle Totem Hunter Achievement Guide

Jungle Totem Hunter is a Heart of Thorns achievement that involves collecting 10 lost Itzel totems around Verdant Brink. To access this achievement you must have completed the Totems of The Itzel achievement from Heart of Thorns Story: Act I. This guide will show you exactly where to find each lost totem.