“Tricks and Treats” is a basic collection achievement that involves consuming 19 Halloween themed items like cake and cookies. Successfully complete the collection and you will be rewarded with 3 achievement points and a Miniature Candy Corn Ghoulemental.
This is a good time to go for this collection, if you haven’t already completed it, because you can get most of the items for free from drops. I feel that this collection has been over-shadowed by the main Halloween events even though the Mini Ghoulemental is a pretty cool reward! Here’s how it’s done:
Old Pillow Case
You’ll need an “Old Pillow Case” to unlock the collection. It can be purchased on the Trading Post for around a measly 8 copper. Once you have it, double-click the pillow case to unlock the collection.
Halloween Consumables
Once the collection is unlocked you can begin consuming the Halloween treats like a mad man. Any items you’re missing can be purchased from the Trading Post post for pretty cheap. Here are the 19 items you need to consume:
*Note: Some items require level 80 to consume*
Starting at the top left and going across:
- Rotten Egg
- Toilet Paper
- Candied Apple
- Bowl of Candy Corn Custard
- Candy Corn Cake
- Strawberry Ghost
- Candy Corn Cookie
- Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle
- Glazed Pear Tart
- Glazed Pumpkin Pie
- Glazed Chocolate Raspberry Cookie
- Glazed Peach Tart
- Omnomberry Ghost
- Spicy Pumpkin Cookie
- Bottle of Batwing Brew
- Lump of Crystallized Nougat
- Vile of Maize Balm
- Sharpening Skull
- Flask of Pumpkin Oil
So there it is, a pretty quick and easy way to get a Mini Candy Corn Ghoulemental. Compare to the Miniature Candy Corn ELEMENTAL that costs 6 Candy Corn Cobs from the Candy Corn Vendor:
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