Ranger Pet DPS Comparison

This Ranger Pet DPS comparison details the damage per second (DPS) of each Ranger pet, under various conditions.


Test Setup

DPS for each pet was tested at the Special Forces Training Area of the Lion’s Arch Aerodome. Pets were ordered to attack various Target Golems (Standard, Condition Immune and Mobile) and their DPS numbers were recorded. During testing pets attacked by themselves and received no additional support from the player. Player specializations and traits were selected to maximize pet DPS.


Test Golems

  • Standard Target Golem: 1,000,000 HP, 1400 Toughness, Vulnerable to conditions
  • Condition Immune Golem: 1,000,000 HP, 1400 Toughness, Immune to conditions
  • Mobile Target Golem: 1,000,000 HP, 1400 Toughness, Vulnerable to conditions, Moves in a circle


Relevant Traits

Ranger DPS Traits

  • “Sharpened Edges” (Skirmishing)
    • You and your pet have a chance to cause bleeding on critical hits
  • “Expertise Training” (Wilderness Survival)
    • Pets deal extra condition damage and have their condition duration increased
  • “Refined Toxins” (Wilderness Survival)
    • While your pet’s health is above the threshold, its attacks inflict poison
  • “Pack Alpha” (Beastmastery)
    • Your pet is more powerful and its skills gain a recharge reduction
  • “Companion’s Might” (Beastmastery)
    • Critical strikes from your pet’s basic attack cause bleeding
  • “Loud Whistle” (Beastmastery)
    • While your health is above the threshold, your pet deals more damage
  • “Pet’s Prowess” (Beastmastery)
    • Pets move faster and deal more damage on critical hits

Test Notes

  • “F2 Skill” refers to each pet’s unique toolbar skill that is activated by the “F2” key
  • F2 skills that do not inflict damage were not tested. In these scenarios the damage numbers from the auto attack test were recorded.
  • The Hyena is a special case because it has different (fewer) attributes than other canine pets. This is why Hyena is displayed separately.
  • Bristlebacks and Smokescales are Saurians, but are displayed individually because of their unique attributes
  • The “Porcine” family of pets contain Pigs, Boars, Warthogs and Siamoths
  • Hall of Monuments Pets (Black Widow Spider, etc) were not tested but are largely identical to similar pets
  • Aquatic pets were not tested
  • No boons or other buffs were applied


Ranger Pet DPS by Family


Ranger Pet DPS (Auto Attack)



Note: Base DPS was measured using a Condition Immune Target Golem so that pet condition effects would not contribute toward the damage total.

Stationary VS Mobile Target DPS



Note: Stationary DPS was tested on a Standard Target Golem with condition damage active. Mobile DPS was tested using a Mobile Target Golem that moves in a circle with the the Ranger Pet positioned in the middle.

Maximum F2 Skill DPS



Note: F2 skill damage was tested by activating the pets’ F2 skill as soon as it was off of cooldown.


Individual Ranger Pet DPS


Top 10 Highest Ranger Pets DPS



Note: Tigers have higher non-condition DPS, but Lynx have higher total DPS.

Bottom 10 Lowest Ranger Pet DPS





The feline family provides the highest DPS of any Ranger pets. This is due to their high level precision and condition damage attributes, combined with powerful F2 skills. The Lynx, specifically, is the highest DPS pet thanks to its “Rending Pounce” F2 skill which inflicts 4 stacks of bleeding for 10 seconds.

Bristlebacks offer the highest ranged DPS, while also providing decent damage against moving targets.

Hyenas are the lowest DPS Ranger pet. Although they are part of the “canine” family, Hyenas have 50% less power than other canines, giving Hyenas the lowest total attribute count of any pet. This is supposed to be balanced by the fact that Hyenas have a unique F2 skill that allows them to summon another Hyena to attack. But in practice, it’s not enough to compensate for their severe lack of power.




Ranger Pet Attributes

PetFamilyPowerPrecisionCondition DamageF2 Inflicts Damage?
Black BearBear15241524400Yes
Brown BearBear15241524400No
Polar BearBear15241524400Yes
White RavenBird15242211700Yes
Alpine WolfCanine18681524400Yes
Fern HoundCanine18681524400No
Krytan DrakehoundCanine18681524400Yes
Carrion DevourerDevourer152415241000Yes
Lashtail DevourerDevourer152415241000Yes
Whiptail DevourerDevourer152415241000Yes
Ice DrakeDrake18681524700Yes
Marsh DrakeDrake18681524700Yes
Reef DrakeDrake18681524700Yes
River DrakeDrake18681524700Yes
Salamander DrakeDrake18681524700Yes
Jungle StalkerFeline152422111000No
Snow LeapardFeline152422111000Yes
Black MoaMoa15241524400No
Blue MoaMoa15241524400No
Pink MoaMoa15241524400Yes
Red MoaMoa15241524400No
White MoaMoa15241524400Yes
Black Widow SpiderSpider152415241000No
Cave SpiderSpider152415241000Yes
Forest SpiderSpider152415241000Yes
Jungle SpiderSpider152415241000No
Electric WyvernWyvern18681524700Yes
Fire WyvernWyvern18681524700Yes


Full Ranger Pet DPS Data

PetFamilyAuto Attack DPSF2 Skill DPSCondi DPSMobile Target DPSCondi F2 Skill DPS
Polar BearBear350341457381459
Black BearBear350341457381459
Brown BearBear350350457381457
Fern HoundCanine529529667514667
Alpine WolfCanine529506667514606
Krytan DrakehoundCanine529506667514606
Carrion DevourerDevourer3724307567441038
Lashtail DevourerDevourer372392756744845
Whiptail DevourerDevourer372342756744746
Salamander DrakeDrake512573701501846
Marsh DrakeDrake512573701501812
Reef DrakeDrake512573701501789
Ice DrakeDrake512573701501752
River DrakeDrake512638701501740
Jungle StalkerFeline851851158712941587
Snow LeopardFeline851900158712941573
Blue MoaMoa506506624471624
Red MoaMoa506506624471624
Pink MoaMoa506467624471613
White MoaMoa506467624471613
Forest SpiderSpider446446750599876
Jungle SpiderSpider446446750599750
Cave SpiderSpider446446750599701
Fire WyvernWyvern424424581205748
Electric WyvernWyvern424431581205562

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